Wiki Tool

Situated Design Rationale


The Wiki Socio-Cognitive Engineering Tool (WiSCE) is built and maintained in Atlassian Confluence, a wiki content tool for teams to collaborate and share knowledge efficiently. WiSCE provides guidance and structure for capturing, maintaining and refining functional (user) requirements with the design rationale. WiSCE is available at the following address (see "contact" for access requests):

Currently, we are developing a similar Wiki tool in XWiki; an open source platform to collaborate on content and create collaborative web applications ( This way, we will take care that WiSCE remains easily and widely accessible. Information about progress and access will be provided on this web-site. A first version is available:

Looije et al. (2017)1 developed the "situated Design Rationale" (sDR) module as a specific component of WiSCE. sDR provides an interactive format to describe, relate and record the different elements of a design rationale for behavior change in a univocal, concise and coherent way: Support objectives, behavior change theory, design specifications and evaluation outcomes. Adjustable focused views can be acquired on specific combinations of elements. As a best practice, sDR was applied to the European ALIZ-e project (see: Specification of the situated Design Rationale).

1R. Looije, M. A. Neerincx, and K. V. Hindriks (2017). Specifying and testing the design rationale of social robots for behavior change in children, Cognitive Systems Research, vol. 43, pp. 250–265.